domenica 11 maggio 2008


Since I was a child I feel that humans are progressively uniting to form sort of a super-organism, something like Hobbes’ Leviathan, but much more integrated. When cells gathered to become organisms the advantages were enormous, but at the cost of losing the freedom, and, alike, we are uniting in a hugely powerful Leviathan at the cost of freedom. Another possibility existed, that manhood would become an ecosystem. An ecosystem has almost the same advantages as an organism, but the parts of an ecosystems are free. The difference among ecosystems and organisms is that in organisms the main variables – temperature, pH, salt concentration, number of cells – are constant, whereas in ecosystems each component - as a direct consequence of the freedom of its parts - fluctuates wildly to keep track of changes in the environment. Alas, how would I have preferred an ecosystem, but I am getting quite pessimistic about that. We are too scared of change, we preferred stability over freedom.
Nonetheless – if the metaphor holds – I remember that when cells become organisms, a few cells didn’t follow this progressive line of evolution. Bacteria, for instance, said no to organization, never jumped to multicellularity, and they are today the kings of the biosphere, the only beings whose existence can threaten men and the only beings without which men could disappear, and the only beings, not rats or scapecroaches, that .could survive the possible catastrophe of the Earth.

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