giovedì 27 agosto 2015

E haplogroups of Y human chromosome, Illyrians, the early Neolithic in Europe and Albanian

I come back on the interesting topic of the relationships between Y human haplogroups and linguistic families. When I encountered the map of the distribution of the E-V68 haplogroup of Y human chromosome.

It matches strikingly the distribution of Illyrian languages. Actually, the distribution of Illyrians is not perfectly knownm but there is a peak of frequency in Albania and in Italy the highest frequencies are in Apulia, where lived the Messapi who spoke, according to the Ancient Authors, an Illyrian dialact.

The haplogroup is dated at about 10-15.000 years ago. There is a burial in Spain which is 7.000 years old where this haplogourp has been retrieved. From other sources the haplogroups is present also in Kurdistan, where, with all probability, lies the origin of agriculture, and therefore the haplogroups is related to Neolithic farmers invading Europe for the first time. If this hypothesi is true Illyrian, which is possibly an Indo-European language, should be about 7-8.000 years old, and thus may represent one of the earlies branches of the Indo-European lingustic family.

It msut be stressed that the Indoeuropean nature of Illyrian is not uncontroversial, since we have only a list of a few place and person names in Illyrian. Messapian is seemingly Indo-European, but Albanian - certainly a Indo-European language - which is spoken in more or less the same areas of the Illyrian,, has many strange feature (in particular many exclusive roots which seems to be non-Indoeuropean and a few grammatical endings of obscure origin) which could derive from Illyrian and which suggests a possible mixing of a Indoeuropean and a non-Indoeuropean language.

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