venerdì 21 maggio 2021


 The Israelian aggression on Palestine is often compared to Nazims, but I think this is a poor comparison. Atrocities are each different from the other and morevore it is unfair to compare jews to Nazis - although there is obviously a fascist component in Israel, not diffrenetly anyway form greece or USA. I think a more appropriate comparison is with the genocide of Native American - Michael Moore has a similar idea. The genocide of native American was a colonisation,  exactly like that of Israel on Palestine, and for a long time the truth of this aggression was completely reversed, with the indians depicted as vile aggressors on the poor cowboys - look at  western films before the 70's. A similar reversal of faults has occurred in Palestine, with the Arabs, who simply defend themself, with disproportionately inferior forces and arms (think of the stones of Intifada) against a very strong invasor depicted as the villain. Another similarity is in the fact that the natives did not accept their fate passively but fighted fiercely for their freedom, like the Palestinina and unlike the jews who did not rebel to Naiz with the notable exception of the revolt in the Warsaw Ghetto.

History never repeats, buyt if this comparison is true there is no much space for optimism - natives were relegated in reserves, like the bantustans of Gaza and Cisgiordania, But an important difference exist. The native indians were not very numerous, whereas the arabas are much more numerous than the jews in Palestine, eve if we don't count the refugees.

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