lunedì 16 novembre 2020

Conspiracy theores

 Conspiracy theory are clearly far right ideas. It is enough to look to their main scapegoats like Soros or Bill Gatesd, who are leftists, although certainly no revolutionaries, to understand that. But the pandemia has had a strange effect in joining to the conspirationist moevemnt a large number of anarchists and far left people. the strange sight is offered of leftists sharing white suprematists posts ons facebook.

I think this is not an ephemarla trend. The protests of gilet jauens in France and of separatists of Catalonia. althoughwityh a clear leftist orientation,. are very different from the traditional moevfements of the working class: they are mainly rooted in the countrryside and are middle class movements. Working class is no longer hegeominc in the owrld, since the main class is middle class today. Marx believd that middle class is not able to represent itself, but in my opinion now it is truggling to do exactly so, with weird conseuqneces.

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