domenica 23 settembre 2018

Political whirlpool

The recent rise of populisms and of "red-brownism", of the alt-right, which is highly conservative but quite different from the traditional naist and fascists movements can be explained easily with the fact that the liberal and socialdemocratic left shifted to posiotions of power (and thus to the right) and created a void. Voids are always filled in politics, and this void was filled by these  "new right" movements": The situtaion is anyway a bit more complex and can be better understood with the reference to the usual two axes ordinations of political positions. In this ordination, which is crude and sometimes ideologic but nonetheless useful, there is a first axis right-left and a second axis individualism-communitarianism. The four corners are thus anarchism, lineralism fascism and communism.

In this framwoprk all the left and not only the insitutional left shifted to the bottom, toward more libertarian positions. The radical left shifted "vertically" whereas in the  shifting of the position of the insitutional left there is also a rightward component. The upper left corner remained thus empty and this caused a "suction force" for the right toward the left. In other words we have a sort of "political whirlpool", with the position of right and left rotating around the centre.

The shift toward more libertarian position of the left occurred already at the end of the '70s of the last century, and predates thus the collapse of the Soviet Union which is certainly one of the factors involved in the rearrangement of the political checkerboard.

The fact that the political spectrum is bidimensional and not unidimensional is the reason why "red-borwn" exponent can present themeselves as new progressivist  whereas they are a traditional authoritarian movememnt: the progressive-conservative gradient is in fact on the diagonal from the bottom left to the upper irght. not simply on the first axis which represents left (i.e inclined towards the multitudes) to the right (i.e. inclined towards the elites:

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