domenica 21 luglio 2019


Un olandese pensa "perché farlo aspettare se non è strettamente necessario?". Un italiano pensa"perché non farlo aspettare se non è strettamente necessario?"

martedì 9 luglio 2019


Salvini vuole fare una muro al confine con la Slovenia. Oggi se non hai un muro o almeno un muretto non sei nessuno.


Non capisco perché più sono trucidi e più sentono puzza dappertutto.

venerdì 5 luglio 2019

Open access

Behind the narrative of open access in science publishing,. tlies a compeltely different story. The narrative is that research should be freely available to everybody - but it is already: i fyou write to the autghor you can receive a pdf of the paper free of charge (at least i f the author is living). The true reason for open access is that the possibility to pay for publishing, which is usually only possible to academic professional,. gives back to academia the power to control the process ofg publishing that was ripped off by the system of rgeat publishing companies. Not casuallly, the movement toward open access was lead by Plos which is controlled by the German Max Planck Insitiute. Germana professors barely tolerated that htier divine power was subtracted by the (abnglosaxon and jew) process of copmmercial publishing.