martedì 30 marzo 2021

Crime pays but botany doesn't (Topny serrano()

 The channel of Tony Serrano was suggested by google (sometimes profiling is useful not only for advertising but also fr the viewer) and I immediatley had a crunch on him. The character has something of the characters of Dickens: he is self-educated. has a a foul mout,, he is covered in tattoos, but his knwoledge of botany is extraordinary and really up to date: he is an amateur, but he knows not only the name of plants but laso the last findings of molecular phylogeny. But what strikes me the most is that apart from this vas t knowledge, he masters the scientific methos wonderflly, uin a mnner that I rarely find in many academicians, Many acadamicians are professional, opyblish a lot, are familiar with all the academic fads of the moment, but cannot be considered really heirs of Galileo. Tony Serrano is a trucl  diver but he is a real scientists. In the video about unathorized urban forestry he shows to udnerstand deeply not o0nly botany but also ecology, and ecology requires systemic thinking, a rarirty today,.

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