martedì 27 gennaio 2015

Fatalism and calivinists

Slavoj Žizek (tioujours lui) wondered how it was possibile that calivnists, who believe that, apart from an insignificant fraction of saints, most men are damned since the beginning of time, do not sit down and abandon to fatalism, but are instead industrious and hard-working. It is atrue paradoxl, but the answer to the riddle can be found in Italy. Italians believe basically that gods are on their side, and that every sin will be pardoned . This leads head on to laziness and amorality. Calvinists rely only on their forces, not having the help of heaven, Italians sit down and confide in the help of benign gods. This is an old story, Anaeas awaits passively prodigies and miracles (that invariably happen). Of course life if sweeter if you feel that god will help you, and can be very hard for Germans that deny that.

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